Power Dynamics in Multicultural Congregations

God’s Word gives us a beautiful vision for multiracial community (Rev. 7:9). This vision, however, is challenging and complicated to live out in practice. Broken power dynamics is just one of the ways that the sin of racism can show up in the Church. Research reveals that, even well-intentioned congregations can perpetuate inequitable power dynamics, instead of the mutuality and reciprocity God intends for the body of Christ.

Take time to learn how power dynamics make a difference in the life of multiracial congregations. While getting people together across racial lines is a first step, more work is needed to nurture a healthy and authentic community.

Wrestling with Inequitable Power Dynamics

The Elusive Dream: The Power of Race in Interracial Churches - Kori Edwards' groundbreaking research explains how and why multiracial congregations tend to conform to the White ways of doing things instead of creating a more inclusive community.

Having identified the problem, Edwards didn't stop there. She is now working on the Religious Leadership Diversity Project that is helping us understand the type of leadership and qualities needed to lead a genuinely integrated multiracial church.

Why Do Multi-ethnic Churches Fail? - Check out this brief Pass the Mic podcast where Jemar Tisby and Pastor Earon James get real about why multi-ethnic churches fall short of God's intention. Spoiler alert: It has to do with inequitable power dynamics.

Multiethnic Churches: A Foretaste of Heaven or Bulwark of White Supremacy ? - Listen to the ladies of Truth's Table, a podcast for Black women by Black women, discussing in a 4-part series if multiethnic churches are a foretaste of Heaven or bulwark of White supremacy. If you haven't wrestled with this question, these conversations will get you thinking.

Working Toward Authentically Integrated Multiracial Community

Intercultural Churches: Moving Beyond Mere Statistical Expression of Multi-ethnicity - Intercultural congregations are those that attend to power dynamics and work to make sure that no one culture dominates, but that cultures interact in mutual and reciprocal ways. Check out an article expressing Rev. Dr. Nam-Chen Chan's vision for such communities and offering steps to make this vision a reality.

Continuum on Becoming a Multiracial and Multicultural Church - Explore these handouts from McSpadden's "Meeting God at the Boundaries" that offers perspective on the journey of moving from lack of cultural awareness to becoming a multi-cultural church.

The Color of Church: A Biblical and Practical Paradigm for Multiracial Churches - Hear from Rodney Woo, former Pastor of one of the nation's most successful multiracial congregations, on how to develop healthy and biblically-based multiracial churches.

One Body, One Spirit: Principles of Successful Multiracial Churches - Check out George Yancey's short and sweet book on principles for leading a successful multiracial church. Do note, however, that Yancey's research on worship has been qualified and expanded by Gerardo Marti in A Mosaic of Believers. If you're interested in worship in multiracial congregations, be sure to explore Marti's more updated and nuanced work.